Climate Change
Biodiversity, Net Zero and Climate Change Adaptation
Climate change is the defining issue our generation need to overcome. Having passed the point of no return for no change to our climate, we now have global agreement to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees. Climate change is currently linked to 5 million deaths a year, and each year that passes is another one making records for severity and frequency of floods, storms, and fires.
Decarbonisation: This means every person, organisation and country needs to make commitments to reduce their impacts. Legally binding targets for decarbonisation or Net Zero exist in most countries and a clear plan of action is needed for how your organisation is going to achieve that. We all need to develop our budgets and decarbonise fast. Our big targets are 50% CO2 reduction and 75% methane reduction by 2030; 75% CO2 reduction and 100% methane reduction by 2050. We have worked on many Net Zero projects, including achieving validation of targets from the Science Based Target Initiative or Race for Zero.
Adaptation: We also need to plan how we are going to adapt our operations, cities and towns, resources, and security because of climate change. Various reporting standards, such as the Taskforce for Climate Change Financial Disclosure, already expect businesses to identify risk, quantify impact, prepare contingency plans, and report on climate change risk and adaptation plans. We can help you with this.
Biodiversity: We also need to consider the other environmental interdependencies, such as biodiversity, ocean acidification and freshwater change. A million species are threatened with extinction because of our actions. As of 2023, we now have a first global agreement to protect 30% of our biodiversity, land, and oceans by 2030. We can help you develop your biodiversity strategy, including identifying impact, finding your relevant approach, and developing your action plan.
Some of the questions we have helped clients answer include:
What are your main impacts and material issues?
What are the stakeholder obligations you have to embed, and report to?
What is your starting point? Do you have a good Environmental Management System, or impact register? What is the right approach or model for you?
What reductions do you need to achieve, by when? Should this be to science-based targets?
How are you going to achieve those targets?
We can help you to:
Set up and run your climate change approach
We can help you set up, brief and manage on an ongoing basis a Climate Change Taskforce to develop and enact your climate change strategy.
Review and recommend improvements
We can review your current performance, identify your carbon footprint and recommend how you can better manage your environment and energy responsibilities.
“Businesses are at a defining moment to act on sustainability. Those that act decisively have the opportunity to create resilience and sustainable competitive advantage.”
A good climate change strategy, done right…
Is owned and enacted by the business
Complies with stakeholder obligations
Is achievable and authentic. No empty promises
... balances ambition with realism
Climate Change in Action
Developing and facilitating a climate change taskforce
Climate change is the defining issue of modern times; the impacts of our activities are already being felt and the need for swift radical change has never been clearer. But change is difficult, especially when business processes, mind-sets, infrastructure, incentives and markets, and ways of working can encourage less sustainable actions.